Magnolia Wedding Invitation. Pulmakutse Magnoolia

Today, I want to show you a wedding invitation from my very new invitation line called Magnolia.
Being one of the prettiest flowers magnolia flower represents "splendid beauty and dignity", and has been associated with perseverance and nobility.
The symbolic meaning of magnolia flower has been passed down from generation to generation and arose from fables and legends connected to this flower.
I made magnolia flower from paper, it measures approx. 3,5 inches. Being fragile and big it couldn't possibly fit into the envelope, so I made a special box for this truly luxurious wedding invitation.

Täna näitan pulmakutset oma uuest kutseteseeriast, millele panin nimeks Magnoolia.
Magnoolia õis on imeilus ning sümboliseerib ülimat ilu, väärikust, püsivust ja õilsust. Magnoolia ümber on palju põlvest põlve edasi antud legende.
Minu magnoolia õis on õhulisest paberist, umbes 9 cm läbimõõduga. Selline pulmakutse ümbrikusse ei mahuks:) ja nii tegingi spetsiaalselt selle kutse jaoks samas stiilis karbi.